Drunk Movie Monday, Movies, Reviews

Drunk Movie Monday – Teen Beach Movie

Okay, true facts: I actually watched this movie sober, and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's a fun, self-aware commentary on the wacky hi-jinks of 50s-nostalgia teen movies (some of which I have drunkenly recommended before), and it is, frankly, delightful. But I am absolutely sure that watching it drunk would make it EVEN BETTER. Though, really,… Continue reading Drunk Movie Monday – Teen Beach Movie

Drunk Movie Monday, Movies, Reviews

Drunk Movie Monday – Hobbit 3: the Battle of the Five Armies

Before I damage my nerd cred, I feel like I have to say straight-up that the Lord of the Rings trilogy is one of my favorite movies, hands down. In fact I even like the movies better than the books, which is probably because I rather notoriously don't like doorstopper fantasy. But the Hobbit movies?… Continue reading Drunk Movie Monday – Hobbit 3: the Battle of the Five Armies

Drunk Movie Monday, Movies, Reviews

Drunk Movie Monday – They Came Together

You know how Scary Movie and Not Another Teen Movie are only like 50% funny, and the other 50% is just random jokes that completely fall flat and have very little to do with anything? Yeah, well, this is that for rom coms. The film: They Came Together (2014) The premise: It's a meta rom com that's only about half… Continue reading Drunk Movie Monday – They Came Together

Drunk Movie Monday, Movies, Reviews

Drunk Movie Monday – Camp Takota

Can people who got famous because of their own over-the-top personalities be good actors? Maybe, but none of them are in this film. Which is not to say this isn't a thoroughly entertaining movie. Just that if you're expecting fictional characters...you won't find them here. Let's talk about Camp Takota. The film: Camp Takota (2014) The… Continue reading Drunk Movie Monday – Camp Takota

Drunk Movie Monday, Movies, Reviews

Drunk Movie Monday – Cockneys vs. Zombies

This movie, you guys. This. Fucking. Movie. Let me tell you about this delightful bullshit movie. The film: Cockneys vs. Zombies (2012) The premise: Admissions up front: for the average American, the dialogue in this movie is going to be hard to understand. That's because, as the title implies, it's set in East End London, and… Continue reading Drunk Movie Monday – Cockneys vs. Zombies